Functional process skills, leading solutions and development of custom applications for large-scale distribution


Inventory Management and Optimization of Points of Sale with focus on Customer Experience

The large-scale retail sector has gone through profound transformations and changes at an extraordinary speed, and the current situation has illuminated its primary role and generated new awareness with which to look to the future. The ability to intercept customers' wishes, resilience and speed of response to the market, investments in innovation especially in sales channels, from physical to online stores, attention to the community, the environment and the territory of which we are part of are certainly important keys to development.

We know the typical cases of large-scale distribution for the management of its network structure, centralized management, distribution warehouses, back office of points of sale up to the dynamics inherent in prices and promotions on consumer products.

We offer implementation services of the chosen solution or custom development to manage all processes effectively to support companies in achieving their process optimization objectives relating to the sales, logistics and supplier area.

Functional Skill in Large Scale Retail


  • Assortment and pricing management
  • Pricing
  • Promotions
  • Analysis of sales, promotional and supplier contribution data
  • Shop Back Office
  • For consumer cooperatives: management of members and savings deposits


  • Inventory management
  • Reception and assignment of locations in real time
  • Preparation and lowerings in real time
  • Billing / Invoicing in real time
  • Summary billing
  • Inventory




  • Management of supplier contracts
  • Control and management of supplier communications
  • Management of orderability and purchase prices
  • Control of the passive cycle of goods
  • Calculation and management of the contribution by suppliers


Large Scale Retail Solutions

CRM | Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a powerful cloud-based customer experience management software that brings together all business functions: marketing, sales and customer service.


Power BI is the business analysis solution that allows you to create, publish and share dashboards, reports and simple visualizations, as well as making summary/detailed information available to facilitate quick and informed decisions.


ARXivar is the Able Tech platform that allows you to manage all types of documents in a single solution safely and easily, integrating the phases of archiving, information management and business processes.


Augmented reality: simplify and optimize every action even remotely with Team Viewer's Frontline solutions, improving productivity and eliminating the margin of error.


Some of the realized projects

by Dorit Gerstenfeld 5 December 2022
The customer is a leader of the Italian large-scale retail trade who expressed the need to create an IT process that would allow the management of promotional initiatives starting from the definition of the draft of the promotional package up to the definition of the participating stores and the determination of the relative prices on sale. We have analyzed and designed the entire process based on the following phases: - Definition of the items/shops involved in the promotion - Definition of sale/transfer prices - Control and communication of the promotion - Creation of related commercial offers We have therefore created an application that implements the phases described above.
by Dorit Gerstenfeld 5 December 2022
by Dorit Gerstenfeld 5 December 2022
In the world of Unicoop Tirreno, through their one hundred stores, they shop every day tens of thousands of people who have needs and expectations to be met, for this reason it is of fundamental importance for the Cooperative to listen, talk and communicate with them. It is necessary to constantly investigate the needs of customers, their degree of satisfaction and monitor the levels of service for each store. In Unicoop Tirreno deals with this the office of Operational Marketing through some tools including the office of the Wire Direct. A toll free number and an e-mail available to members and consumers to talk directly with the cooperative.
by eng 11 September 2019
The definition of the assortment of a point of sale (the set of products that can be ordered and sold) is essential to obtain good sales results. It is a complex process based on different elements (breadth, depth, specialization), to be managed by calibrating between the orientation of the company and that of the customers. Management complexity also increases with the number of sales points, their territorial distribution and their lack of homogeneity. For a customer leader in the GDO with over 170 stores throughout Italy we have created a Java application that deals with the management of the entire process of the assortments of the store. Continue reading on the slides to discover the advantages!
by Dorit Gerstenfeld 18 July 2019
The client is a leader among Italian large-scale retailers who had recently started upgrading its information system, transforming existing programs on the legacy system (AS / 400) into web applications. THE PRE-PROJECT SITUATION The constant exchange of significant data flows (Orders, Notes, Warehouse delivery confirmations, Invoices, stock level notices, etc.) with usual suppliers was managed with AS 400. These flows constitute a highly heterogeneous external world, created by diverse information systems and consisting of different types of communication, over diverse channels, on which no control or technological standard could be imposed . THE NEED The client's need was to be able to receive and send data streams to and from this outside world in the most varied forms and technologies , such as: EDI files (Electronic Data Interchange) exchanged via external providers; pdf documents or text files sent as e-mail attachments; formatted text files sent via FTP; other such as fax documents, direct writing on the database, etc. THE SOLUTION: THE MIDDLEWARE We created a layer of intermediate software (middleware ) between the client’s information system and the communication channels used by the external world , acting as an interface for data exchange . The middleware is crossed by all the heterogeneous data flows entering and leaving the company, normalizing them into a single standard format .

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